
TipTop Audio Buchla 281 Quad Function Generator

Bringing forth a classic and revolutionary module to the Eurorack world, Tiptop Audio teamed up with Buchla in creating the Quad Function Generator Model 281t, a recreation of the famed 200 Series module. Inspiring sound design and electronic music, the Buchla 200 series brought forth many modules for shaping and synthesizing tones and noise, and the 281t recreates a quintessential envelope/LFO and implements full Eurorack CV I/O by replacing the banana jacks with 3.5mm TS jacks. Each function generator can act independently as well as in pairs via Quadrature mode—triggering and balancing two generator outputs with each function shifted 90 degrees out of phase for creating complex modulation sources ideal for quadrophonic movement.

Determine the rate at which the function rises and falls with the Attack and Decay parameters, respectively, each with voltage control over times spanning one millisecond all the way to ten seconds. Each function can be triggered via the manual trig button or via their trig inputs, with three different modes of operation per function generator. Cyclic mode will cycle the function continuously for LFO-like behavior, while Transient and Sustained modes act as conventional Attack/Decay and Attack/Sustain/Release envelope generators, respectively. Introducing a gate atthe cycle input will activate cycling in any mode, allowing you to inject moments of looped modulation.

Each generator has a dedicated output for shaping your audio and modulation signals, and additionally, each generator's end of decay will also send out a trigger pulse—great for introducing triggered or clocked signals to other modules or even self-patched modulation! Offering a timeless modulation source in much more accessible format for today's synthesists, the Tiptop Audio Buchla Quad Function Generator 281t provides loads of functionality for any Eurorack system.


Faithful revival of the Buchla Quad Function Generator Model 281 in Eurorack format
Formatted for Eurorack height in a longer module, with minimal adjustment to functionality
Four identical function generators to produce envelopes and LFOs
Entire unit sends and receives Eurorack level signals via standard 3.5mm jacks
Attack and decay times both range from 1ms to 10 sec, each with CV input (longer times available via external CV)
Trigger button and input activate the function generator
Mode switch determines how function generator acts to triggers and gates (Cyclic, Transient, and Sustained)
Cycle CV input enables and gates cycling
Per channel function generator output and end of decay trigger output
Quadrature mode to enable paired generators with functions shifted by 90 degrees of each other
Adjustable analog OR functionality for creating complex envelope shapes
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Manufacturer TipTop Audio
Status Pre-order
Functionality Envelope Generator, Function Generator
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