
WMD Fracture

Multi-particle crowd percussion synthesizer

Originally inspired by audience applause, hip-hop samples, and classic drum machines, Fracture is a multi-particle percussion synthesizer that applies concepts from classic analogue clap circuits to granular synthesis methods.

It all starts from proprietary micro-samples we recorded specifically for this purpose and ends with an engine built to suit these samples.
Unlike our other percussion module, Chimera, which uses impulse rich samples as it’s tonal center, Fracture uses single impulse samples like claps, snaps, ping pong balls, opening a beer can, and many more. It then plays a group of similar samples back in a psuedo random order for unique hits. Density, Decay, and Tail affect tone and how “tight” your virtual clappers are to playing together.

Our goal was to design a clap percussion module covering the range from classic drum machine claps all the way to full audience applause. We ended up with a module that covers a huge range of timbres beyond claps. We hope this engine provides you with the tools to intuitively create wild percussion sounds that bring your system to life in a new way.

Stereo output
Control over "how many people" and " how tight" they sound together
Built in Hall and Room reverb
Two Trigger inputs for different types of sounds
3 Filter types, 3 Envelope types
Free running, Voltage Controlled "applause" capability
CV over all parameters

Link to the manual >

Power: +12V = 63mA; -12V = 17mA
Size: 8HP
Depth: 38 mm
Every WMD product is warrantied for 12 months after purchase, but please contact us if you ever have problems. We will take care of you.
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  • Manufacturer's warranty
  • Pre-orders ship 1-2 days after arrival in NZ
  • Free NZ/AU shipping on all orders over NZ$399
  • Free worldwide shipping on all orders over USD$499
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Manufacturer WMD
Status Pre-order
Functionality Drum machine
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